*Rappellez-nous votre nom..Remember your name.. (surnoms bienvenus nicknames welcomes): Dieter, Dietrich, Deet Street, D, Dimitri
*Depuis quand et où séjournez-vous ? From when and where are you living/staying ?: living and loving life in a quaint little half of a house with some solid dudes. sept 2007-aug 2008 at least
*Que vous arrive-t-il actuellement? What's happening to you now ?: living in a strange period of calm amidst mounds of exams and papers. everyone else is bogged down and i find myself with a relative freedom of time and no one to spend it with.
* Un plaisir à partager? Any pleasure to share? sitting in the back yard around a fire on a freezing cold night with some good friends and enough drinks and smokes to last until dawn.
*Une de vos plus grandes joies? One of your most big joy? listening to that perfect song at that perfect moment that could only arise from chance and positive vibrations. when everything goes just right and you have that tingling feeling at the back of your neck, that is one of the biggest joys one can experience.
*Une anecdote qui a changé votre vie? Any story which changed your life ? not a particular story. becoming aware of the grand story that is history changed my life. studying history is just reading a huge multi-dimensional and ever changing story. as one of my prof's said "history is made up of what has happened and what is said to have happened". everything you learn changes you life .
*Quel sentiment vous définit? Which feeling belongs to you? haggered (yet with an internal calm)
*Une phrase qui vous reste en tête ? Any sentence which is staying in your mind ? "the immortals gently awaken, all possibilities open unto one another, and brothers and sisters begin, to see truly though...strata" Akron/Family - "Ed is a Portal" its just stuck in my brain tonight.
*Un conseil d'ami? Any friendly advice? it's only as fun as you and your friends
*Que lisez-vous? What are you reading ? veza canetti "the tortoises" (for an upcoming exam), ben kiernan "blood and soil: a world history of genocide and extermination from sparta to darfur" (for next term), the daily newspaper because you gotta keep up with what's going on.
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