What does the word "Vancouver" remind you of ? mountains, firs, forests, orcas, totems, asians, cousins, hockey
What bring April showers ? April clouds
What are you usually happy to cover or recovering ? Cover unless I was recovering from a cocaine problem or something
What the wind is bringing to you ? Spring lush
Is there any "Van" which/who have a place in your life ? good times in Vancouver
What kind of relation with you and the water element? My body loves it…
What is your favorite green ? I drove by some green fields in Alabama today
What is around your neck ? A very dark red
What part would you be in the crew of a ship? Don’t know..
Your last discovery? I sleep the best on a plane
2 commentaires:
great idea for the photo! i'm not sure why i didn't send it.
maybe because i wrote that on a plane.. half asleep
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