1. Yesterday I was biten by a _baptist_, and my __camion driver tried to give me a massage__.
2.Following the__path_of the magician is a guarantee for_nights of fire and music_.
3. Go by the_national route_, cross the rain and the wind, and then see the _mossy grass that springs out from_ underneath. It's a critic of the__full moon_.
4._Bathe within__the small cavity of Pépé__the skunk__, and you will be_rosy-fresh_.
5. the fool is looking for the_gold_, she's laying and__lavender_the council of_juniper_.
6.the_butterfly net_had been cast, the yellow fangs of _tigers_tell the_truth_.
7.Along the oak, we can see a __tambourine_, in the middle of a rich _hazelnut cream_.
8."Ras_putin_" is keeping a watch on the mother's_lap_.
9.The tongue is_génial!_ a winding _menace_, with a multiple_purposes_.
10. If you're still_speaking_, I recommend you to_stop and think, first_!
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