(Internet contact)
1. Votre nom/Your name is:Franck Chastanier, i choosed 'Chasta' as a nick name few years ago to make it sounds good and simple. It's also the name of a certain mount in the states ...
2. Date de naissance/Your birthday:05 / 07 / 1968, Asnières sur seine (92), France.
3. Metier/Occupation:Artist, video artist, graphic designer, motion designer (after effect) & trainer (after effect).
4. Où êtes vous/Where are you?France, Eaubonne ('good-water')
5. Liens internet vous concernant/websites or internet links about you?For the moment :
http://chasta.graphik.free.frhttp://chasta.graphik.free.fr/video/index_video.htmlhttp://chastagraphik.deviantart.com/gallery/http://myspace.com/chastagraphikhttp://www.youtube.com/chastagraphiket sur
www.viadeo.com Bientôt sur saatchi online.
6. Comment tentez-vous de rendre le monde meilleur?/How are you tryingto make a better world?I trying, first, to make me 'better', to work on myself, to make my conscience/consciousness evolving in a 'good' way (a better way). So, since few years, i am using some 'tools' to help me to succeed in this way as Yoga and meditation each day (as possible), and some different process of therapies as psychoanalysis, using sometimes "Fasciapulsologie", shiatsu. I am following also a cursus about the expansion states of conscience' with Dominique Lussan (Harmonic Vision,
France). At least, in fact, to find my right 'place', to incarnate my essence in the best possible way, resolving some suffering, memoirs and souvenirs. So, at least, evolving, doing this work, i hope deeply, at least and little by little, to go past my 'shadows' and incarnate, give the best of myself.
7. Un projet spécifique ?/Any specific project?To incarnate myself and my essence in a deep and real harmony with the world, people, forms of life, earth and beyond ...Giving the good 'fruits' from me and not the bad ones...All, at the moment, seems to me to resonate, resound' in terms of Healing, Recovery, Transmutation and
Transcendance ...
8. Un combat particulier ?/ Any specific fight ?Expressing all this in the differents points means a great fight for me.
I've just read in an advertising : "Peace is a great fight" (Marithee & F. Girbaud) and i am very according to this idea. What are the bests conquests and victories we can make ? Where is our 'best & worse' enemy? What can be this feeling, this experience of feeling of Light-Love-Peace' that can be the same ? What is 'erroneous' with our Mental' when 'he' is thinking about these things, its way of 'thinking about' and 'focusing' always in a 'linear' and a cubic limited way?(*)...
I am deeply conviced that 'all' is in ourselves and it is ourselves, in ours mysterious inner paths...
In a more concrete level, in my way of working and approching creation, images, design or training, i really try to do it having all this in mind and it is a great stuff to 'stabilize', to make it concrete, to succeed concretes realizations. For tomorrow ...I will see where all
this will leads me and what kind of projects, investings ...(*). But we need it this way also as a 'tool' in this physical world, but we are more than that and more than our physical body ...Up to us & eachover to see ...
9. Que souhaitez-vous au monde pour les prochaines années ?/What do youwish for the world for the next years ?I wish that every human make its own conscience evolving in the way of respect, compassion, and conscience, saving himself, saving the earth and all the forms if life, changing himself and so, at least, changing our time and the world, simply, choosing its own way of 'light'. Everybody according to its own 'structure', history, family, culture,...
10. Une idée pour enrichir le mouvement ? Any idea for making growingthe movement ?Not at the present time ...Except, perhaps, if i can propose, to discover Gunter Pauli, its books
(like : UpSizing, The road to zero emissions, ...) and the 'ZERI' ...