Portrait of you
1. Votre nom/Your name is:
jesse kerpan
2. Date de naissance/Your birthday:
2. Date de naissance/Your birthday:
oct 5 1983
3. Metier/Occupation:
student, treeplanter, english teacher, vagabond
4. Où êtes vous/Where are you?
4. Où êtes vous/Where are you?
5. Liens internet vous concernant/websites or internet links about you?
5. Liens internet vous concernant/websites or internet links about you?
6. Comment tentez-vous de rendre le monde meilleur?/How are you trying to make a better world?
6. Comment tentez-vous de rendre le monde meilleur?/How are you trying to make a better world?
spreadin' the peace & empathy, doing unto others as i would have done to myself
7. Un projet spécifique ?/Any specific project?
7. Un projet spécifique ?/Any specific project?
making work & play the same thing: if i am happy, it becomes contagious!
8. Un combat particulier ?/ Any specific fight ?
8. Un combat particulier ?/ Any specific fight ?
other than against the UBC administration, not at the moment
9. Que souhaitez-vous au monde pour les prochaines années ?/What do you wish for the world for the next years ?
9. Que souhaitez-vous au monde pour les prochaines années ?/What do you wish for the world for the next years ?
to realize that convenience is not paramount: we need to find an incentive for people to act in the interests of ethical treatment of each other and the planet, in combination with this dominant capitalist society (as i don't think discarding it altogether is feasible).
10. Une idée pour enrichir le mouvement d'Art Affectif ? Any idea for making growing the Affective Art movement ?
keep making those sculptures: keep people thinking! your work/play was compelling enough for us to make an exception & host you, so you're doing something right!
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